
Parallax Layer Manager Tool

Screenshot of the entire overview of the tool

While working on a school project, I developed a tool where you can easily implement and keep track of different layers for a parallax effect. This tool is made in Unity with C#.

I made this tool, mainly, for designers and artists who don’t have a lot of experience working with Unity. I noticed in my team that mainly the programmers are the ones with experience in Unity, so a lot of artists were hesitant to use Unity and test/implement their art. With this tool I’m trying to make it easier for artists and designers to implement art for a parallax effect.

Once this tool is a bit more developed, I am planning to put it on the Unity Asset Store so that other people can use this tool aswell.


  • Add layers to scene
  • Remove layers 
    • Can be done from the scene aswell
  • Delete all layers
  • Check if there are layers in a scene
  • Update variables of layer (e.g. sprite, move speed and render layer)
  • Change object name (WIP)
  • Give object random position between 2 points on the y-axis if it’s a repeating layer (WIP)
Screenshot of tool where you can update variables